Cool Laser Engraving Ideas for Your Classroom

Laser engraving has become an excellent option for teachers and educators to teach students how to become more creative. A laser engraver is a new tool that many schools are slowly trying to adapt in their classrooms for a better learning experience. Just like 3D printing, there are so many laser engraving ideas you can try out for your students to enjoy.

Let’s explore cool designs for laser engraving that will transform your classroom into a vibrant learning environment suitable for all ages. From engraved wood boards to customized stone tiles, we have plenty of options to bring inspiration and motivation to any space. Read on as we discuss some of our top picks for best laser engraving designs!

white laser engraver machine

What is a Laser Engraver?

Laser engravers are primarily used in manufacturing to improve traceability and product identification. However, schools are opting to use laser technology for many projects, such as wood laser engraving ideas.

And with the many uses and purposes a laser engraver can provide to educators and teachers, schools are starting to catch on and add it to their curriculum. The best part is it hones the creativity and imagination of students, primarily those in middle school.

But if it’s your first time using a laser engraver in your classroom, it can be challenging to introduce it. To give you an idea, you should come up with some cool laser engraving ideas for the students to get excited about.

Some Laser Engraving Ideas to Try in the Classroom

As we all know, students get bored easily when they’re in the classrooms, especially if there are no visual aids or activities. But one activity you can try out is creating laser engraving designs with a simple and easy-to-use laser engraver from ACG Education. Here are some ideas you can use:

Front view of printed on square puzzle frame

Create Gorgeous Puzzles

Creating puzzles is one of the most popular wood laser engraving ideas you and your students can tackle. Using a thin piece of plywood, the students can create their designs. After that, the laser engraver will engrave and cut these pieces out. Use your design as a template as the laser engraver cuts them out.

After that, you get a very well-made puzzle that you can enjoy. You can also ask them to create beautiful designs, which are ideal for puzzle pieces. And see which one is the best. It can become a simple contest in your classroom.

Cut Geometric Shapes During Your Math Lessons

Math is one of the most dreaded subjects that students don’t like. However, it’s crucial, especially for students who wish to become architects or engineers in the future. So if your lesson plan is focused on geometry, it’s better to laser engrave these shapes for your students to understand the topic.

And just like puzzles, you can ask your students to look for geometric designs for laser engraving that they can put together. Of course, they need to do the correct measurement to understand how it all connects to your math lesson about geometry.

Make Simple Cutting Boards

If you have cooking lessons, you can start by teaching your students how to create their cutting boards. With wood, they will have to create a design that makes their cutting board unique. They can also create these as a gift for themselves or their moms.

It’s worth noting to use tape to protect the areas you don’t want your students to engrave and then just dust the debris off accidentally. Make sure to choose lighter-colored wood for a well-defined result.

Learn About History By Cutting Out Shapes from the Past

In some countries, such as China, shadow puppet shows were popular theater forms that many people enjoyed. And if your current subject is shadow puppets, you and your students can laser engrave characters you can use for the show.

After that, you can work on the choreography and the story that will showcase what made it a hit in China. Remember, it’s accompanied by singing and dancing. So it’s best to prepare for it beforehand, and you can turn it into an event in your school that parents can attend.

Create Special Pieces of Jewelry

Your students who love to create something extraordinary that they can wear are another reason why you should consider laser engraving in your school. For instance, they can laser-cut different pieces of jewelry from acrylic or metal.

Therefore, they can make cute necklace pendants, earrings, and everything they want to try that is wearable. Of course, you will need to supervise them during these instances to prevent accidents or mishaps from happening.

Laser Cut Costumes During Plays

Instead of making a tree costume that can easily break, why don’t you try laser cutting each part and attaching it to one another for layers and added appeal? Your students can design their costumes for the show with a laser engraver. With this, you can get exceptional results without any trouble at all.

You can use it during events where your students must act as a particular character from your lesson, especially in English subjects. It allows your students to dress the part. Therefore, they’re inspired while they act out during the play.

brown letters on table

Simple Decorations in Your Classroom

You will want your students to feel the spirit during special occasions or events by adding some decor to your classrooms or the entire school. And with the help of a laser engraver, you can create simple but fantastic decorations that will make your school pop.

For instance, during the Christmas Holidays, engraving some snow or even Santa Claus that you can attach to your walls is best. Another occasion is Halloween, where you and your students can brainstorm what kind of designs are ideal for laser engraving that you can also put around your classroom for that Halloween spirit.

Bookmarks for Book Lovers

Students who love books will get the hang of creating bookmarks through laser engraving. You can use a thin piece of wood or a sturdy material. Your students can create a design that will tell more about themselves as book lovers. Some materials to use are as follows:

  • A thing plywood
  • Bamboo wood
  • Thick transparent plastic

You can also opt for bamboo wood for these bookmarks because they’re durable. Bookmarks are an everyday item that students use, so it’s best to add this to your list of projects to make using a laser engraver.

Opt for a Laser Engraver that Works with Your Curriculum with the Help of AGC Education

AGC Education offers some of the best school supplies that support educators and teachers to provide their students with the best education. One of these is laser engravers, which are a need in every school for an unforgettable and more technology-centered learning experience.

AGC Education provides laser engravers that work with your curriculum without any hassle. With the variety of materials it can work with, you and your students will surely enjoy it. So if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Or you can also email us at [email protected]!

How 3D Printing is Being Used in Education

Are you searching for a creative way to keep your students engaged with your lessons? Do you want to give them a reason to learn without feeling forced? Then, consider using 3d printing in education. Even though 3D printing is primarily known as a device that hobbyists utilize, it’s now a great addition to schools.

You may wonder, “why is 3d printing important in education?”. The only answer to this is educators use it as the easiest way to grab their students’ attention. It also encourages active participation in the classroom. That’s why if you’re looking for the different uses of 3d printing in education, now’s the right time to find out!

How Can 3D Printing be Used for Educational Purposes?

3D printing in education has become very popular in numerous schools across the globe. It doesn’t simply print with ink on paper. Instead, it creates another object using substantive materials. Examples of these materials are:

  • Rubber
  • Metal
  • Plastic

Fortunately, 3D printers have become more affordable to accommodate the growing school demand. But why is 3d printing important in education? With technology becoming a primary focus in classrooms, it’s a fun way to hone your student’s imagination as they learn different subjects, such as engineering, chemistry, math, biology, and so much more creatively.

Benefits of Using 3D Printers in Classrooms

3D printing has revolutionized different industries. And now it’s transforming education too: schools, universities, and other educational institutions are beginning to explore how 3D printing can benefit learning in different subjects and curricula. To understand how it can contribute to students’ learning, here are the benefits of 3d printing in education.

Honing the Skills of Future Creators

Students are inherently creative. They find ways to create something from scratch. But adding 3D printing to your lessons can amplify this creativity. It will give them more courage to become inventors and create a unique object or design that they have made with the help of a 3D printer.

And if you provide them with the right resources, they can act on their hidden talents. They can make their ideas come to life, and it’s all thanks to 3D printing.

Keeps Excitement in the Classroom

The more interesting and engaging lessons are, the more the students are interested in learning. If a learner gets bored easily, a 3D printer is ideal for keeping their minds active and engaged.

Apart from that, students get to understand how the process goes – from the concept stage to the creation of the concept. They can know how the idea works as they work on the project with a 3D printer as the primary device.

A Better Hands-On Experience

Another reason students find school dull is that most subjects are taught through lecturing and reading. But with the help of a 3D printer, students get to experience how it is to create something from scratch. They experience hands-on activities, which will keep them excited and enamored.

They feel empowered as they see their designs come to life in front of their eyes. This fosters creativity and encourages them to become innovative when tackling an experimental subject. They will be able to make their visions come to life as they get to touch them with their own hands.

Promoting Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is an obstacle that many students experience every day. But with the help of a 3D printer, they can learn how to make it work, troubleshoot it, and find ways to create an object they want to hold. It pushes them to solve problems and find ways.

With students finding a solution to their 3D printing problems, they can hone their problem-solving skills. Furthermore, it encourages them to persist and endure the issues they face while finishing or starting a project.

Uses of 3D Printers in Schools

As for the primary uses of 3d printing in education, it depends on the subject and curriculum on how teachers will introduce it to your classroom. But some of the most common uses are as follows:

Support History Students

History students who want a better understanding of an artifact they’re currently studying can benefit from using a 3D printer. They can quickly create a prototype of an artifact they want to examine. It will also allow them to freely explore their subject without seeing the real thing live, especially if it’s impossible.

Create Maps for Students Invested in Geography

Some students are interested in learning more about the planet’s geography or a particular place – and more than a map is needed to fuel their knowledge. It’s better if they have the exact dimensions they can see and feel for a better perspective. That’s why 3D printers exist to create demographic, topography, or population maps that give them a better understanding of what they’re studying.

Make Math & Science Easier

Math and science students can also benefit from the help of a 3D printer. There are some instances where these students will need the perfect object to hold, especially when it comes to their experiments or the problems they need to solve. It’s all about using this tool to support where these students are having trouble understanding.

Students Who Like to Design Can Print 3D Versions of their Artwork

As already mentioned, students who dabble with 3D printers get to hone their skills when it comes to creativity. They become inventors, especially if given the right tools and support. And one of these tools is a 3D printer. So if your student is showing signs of being a creative graphic designer, let them shine by allowing them to use the printer to create a real-live version of the art they’re trying to make.

Feeding Your Student’s Creativity with the Help of a 3D Printer

The best way to support your students is by giving them solutions they can use to their advantage. And one of these solutions is a simple 3D printer that can change the course of their paths as students for the better.

Furthermore, it makes it easier for you as an educator or teacher to show what they need to do to achieve their goals. They can test their ideas with a simple machine to enhance their learning.

3D Prints

Choose the Right 3D Printer for Your Classroom at AGC Education

We know how difficult it can be to find an affordable 3D printer that you can use in your classroom. And, of course, you need to choose one that’s simple and easy to use. Fortunately, AGC Education offers 3D printers that are ideal for school settings.

So if you have any questions about the 3D printers and other school supplies we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us right now.

The Best 3D Printers to Engage Learners in the Classroom

It is no secret that 3D printers for schools are becoming increasingly popular. Increased learner engagement and the facilitation of skill acquisition are just two of its great benefits. With AGC Education, you can choose from various 3D printers for your classroom. Find the one that’s right for you today.

What are 3D printers?

3D printer maker space
3D Printer lab

3D printing is a process where a computer model is converted into a physical, three-dimensional item by adding material layers. The widespread use of 3D printing can be due to the increased ease with which anyone can participate in the production process.

When working with a 3D printer, the first step is to make a digital replica of the thing. The 3D printer may now read a blueprint with the help of this clever layout. Drawings and technical illustrations are possible with the use of CAD software. By collecting photographs of an object from various perspectives, 3D scanners may create digital replicas of the original.

Applications of 3D printers in classrooms

3D printers for elementary schools inspire new learners by fostering creativity and innovation while solving problems. Additionally, this handy technology can be used in various educational contexts.

Activate learning

Instead of reading or listening to a classroom discussion, students must interact with each other and apply what they learn through doing. 3D printers are an excellent way to provide students with hands-on learning. Teachers can use 3D printers to create activities that take academic concepts from theoretical to practical.

Educate students about real-world situations

Using 3D printers, students can put what they learn into context to relate lessons to real-world problems. Trainers can develop prototypes of 3D insects that they want to introduce to students and demonstrate how they help balance the ecosystem.

Let student’s imaginations run wild

In a world where 3D printers and design software allow children to create actual physical objects, they are amazed at how creative they can be.

Instill spatial intelligence

Best 3D printers for schools boost students’ spatial intelligence in a classroom, which is crucial to STEM success. Having S3D printers at the school will help promote the development of spatial intelligence.

Boost digital engagement

It is an excellent way for students to stay engaged in lessons by using 3D printing as a fun activity. It is a perfect way to start digital engagement early because educators of all levels can use it.

Prepare students for the future

Innovation is becoming increasingly important for students in today’s digital world, so encouraging them to explore tools that will enable them to think differently will prepare them for the future. For students to be ready for the future, schools should introduce them to 3D printers as soon as possible.

Develop computational thinking skills

3D printers are helping to make computational thinking a crucial part of the modern curriculum by encouraging pattern recognition, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Benefits of 3D printers in classrooms

Here are the benefits of 3D printers in classrooms:

Increased Engagement

One of the primary benefits of 3D printers in classrooms is that they can help to increase student engagement. It creates models of objects that students are learning about in their classes, which can help to make the material more concrete and understandable. Additionally, students can use 3D printers to create projects related to their interests, which can help keep them motivated and engaged in their learning.

Enhanced creativity

3D printers in classrooms are that they can help to enhance student creativity. Students with access to 3D printers can design and create objects limited only to their imagination. It allows students to explore their creativity and develop innovative solutions to problems.

Improved problem-solving skills

In addition to enhancing creativity, 3D printers can help improve student problem-solving skills. When students can design and print their solutions to problems, they must first identify the problem, then brainstorm possible solutions, and finally test and refine their designs. This process helps students learn how to think critically and solve problems effectively.

Real-world applications

Another benefit of 3D printers in classrooms is that they provide students with real-world applications for their learning. When students can print out models or prototypes of their design, They can apply the concepts they learned in the real world. It can help to make the material more relevant and meaningful for students.


3D printers in classrooms are cost-effective. 3D printers have become increasingly affordable in recent years, making them a viable option for schools with limited budgets. Additionally, many schools can lease or rent 3D printers, reducing the upfront cost.

How you can use 3D printers in your classroom

3D printers can be used in your classroom in the following ways:

  • Designing 3D maps: It is possible to make interactive maps using 3D printers. These maps can depict realistic modern cities, future cities, and even fictional cities from books.
  • Decorate with 3D printing: 3D printing can be fun to create seasonal decorations for young children.
  • Models and miniatures: Your students can recreate historical ruins such as the Colosseum or other world-famous landmarks using models and miniatures.
  • Make music: Your students can organize a class to build a musical instrument.
  • Create tools for a job: You can ask your students to create tools for specific jobs they might be interested in.
  • Build a human skeleton and organs by 3D printing: Students can learn about the human body by 3D printing anatomical models.
  • Develop math experiments: Create more extensive activities to facilitate mathematical thinking. Physical and tactile tools can help students understand abstract and sophisticated math concepts. Other devices, rather than clarify concepts, inspire mathematical curiosity and wonder, inviting students to think critically and ask questions.

Our 3D printers

3D printer

You’ve come to the right place if you are looking for the best 3D printers for elementary schools. Here are the options to choose from:

IMAGIN3D – 3D Printer Package

Schools can use this open-source 3D printer package to bring cutting-edge technology into their classrooms. By using IMAGIN3D, you can print chemistry models, topographical maps, or miniature versions of famous structures on a large printing platform (12″x12″ 18″ tall). Students and teachers can use volcano extruders with various filaments, including PLA, ABS, PETG, Nylon, and FLex.

IMAGIN3D JUNIOR- 3D Printer Package

IMAGIN3D JUNIOR printer is slightly smaller than the standard IMAGIN3D printer. This model fits in compact offices and classrooms, ready for desktop use and smaller-scale instruction. At just over 15” tall, the IMAGIN3D JUNIOR printer can fit neatly onto your desk. However, it still boasts an 8-cubic-inch printing area, allowing you to use it for many practical and experimental applications.

We help students learn and be creative

3D Prints

Consider a few great options if you’re looking for a 3D printer to engage your students in the classroom. AGC Education printers are all affordable and easy to use, making them perfect for classrooms of all levels.

Our printers are perfect for all ages and can be used to create a variety of objects. Contact us today to get more information about these printers or help start your classroom 3D printing project.

Amazing Poster Ideas for Your Classroom

Posters are a wonderful place to start when it comes to adorning your classroom. They don’t only give character to any learning space but may also be helpful instructional aids. Adding them to your classroom can be a brilliant idea to engage the students and add visual interest.

Your students can receive the message you want to send them with the Educator Plus Poster Printer from AGC Education. But before you go out and print out a poster, it’s crucial to think about poster ideas for school, what kind of message you want to send, and what type of poster will work best in your classroom.

What is a poster?

According to Macmillan Dictionary, posters are large printed announcements or pictures displayed on walls as decoration, advertising, or distribution of information. Posters date back to the 1800s when they were thought to be an adaptation of earlier meanings of ‘swift travel’ and ‘dispatch.’

Poster origins are likely derived from the concept of conveying news, though earlier definitions refer to news physically brought by messengers, not the static nature of posters.

Basically, a poster is a temporary advertisement placed in a public space to promote an idea, product, or event. Nowadays, posters serve a variety of purposes. You can use it to hang a reproduction of a critical painting in your home, advertise a concert on the side of a building, make fun classroom posters, or get health-related information from the Department of Health. The most common way to use it is during an election, when it is used to urge people to vote or not vote for a particular candidate. 

Purpose of a poster

poster’s primary goal is to convey a message to an audience that is moving. You should carefully plan how your poster will be designed when you are creating it. There is a limited amount of time for you to grab and hold your reader’s attention. Focus on the one aspect of the information that conveys the message, and plan your design accordingly.

How to make a quality poster?

After selecting the vital facts, consider what imagery visually represents your message. Here’s what makes up a quality elementary classroom poster:

  • You should ensure your type is large enough to be viewed up to 10-15 times the width of your format.
  • All vital information should be included, such as date, time, location, and contact information.
  • Ensure your reader’s attention is quickly caught by a dominant element such as a headline or image.
  • Your reader should be able to find the information easily and quickly with a simple layout.
  • Use color, size, or value to emphasize the most crucial message.
  • Make sure the art reflects the message.
  • The arrangement of type and imagery should follow a logical, functional order.
  • Colors should be bold and intense so your message can easily be seen from a distance.

Benefits of having a poster for your classroom

Incorporating posters into the learning process of young learners is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Grabs attention: Students can maintain their interest and draw attention to topics using this method.
  • Motivation: Students are motivated to learn specific topics by displaying positive classroom posters.
  • Focus: Using posters to present a specific idea, event, fact, or process to learners helps them focus their attention.
  • Opportunity to learn: The presence of posters in a classroom provides students with endless learning opportunities, even when looking at them.
  • Learn faster: Both students and teachers can benefit greatly from posters because they are a convenient way for students to understand the topics more quickly.
  • Communicate complex messages: Posters are an effective way to communicate a complex message or topic visually, not just in the classroom

Amazing poster ideas for your classroom

Here are some of the fantastic school poster ideas that you can hang in your classroom:

Informational Posters

Informational posters are a great way to provide students with information about various topics. These kinds of posters can be used to teach students about a particular subject, such as science or history. Additionally, informational posters can provide students with information about a specific event, such as a field trip or an assembly.

Motivational Posters

Motivational posters are a great way to encourage students to stay positive and motivated. These kinds of posters can feature inspirational quotes or images that will help students to stay focused and on track. Additionally, motivational posters can remind students of their goals and why they are working hard in school.

Get to Know You Posters

A great way to start the school year is to have each student make a poster about themselves. Include information such as their name, favorite things, what they want to be when they grow up, and anything else they wish to share about themselves and for students to get to know each other.

All About Me Posters

Similar to the “get to know you” posters, these can be made at any time during the year and are an excellent way for students to share information about themselves with their classmates. Students can include information such as their hobbies, interests, family, pets, favorite things, etc.

Class Rules Posters

At the beginning of the year or whenever new rules are implemented, you or your students can make posters about the class rules. It will help them remember the rules and serve as a visual reminder when needed.

Goal Setting Posters

Throughout the year, have students set goals for themselves and create posters to display their goals. These could be academic goals, behavior goals, personal goals, etc. This is great for students to stay on track and motivated throughout the year.

Student Work Posters

Educators can also create student work posters. These types of posters showcase student work and achievements. Student work posters can be a great way to celebrate student success and motivate other students to strive for excellence.

Classroom Schedule Posters

These posters help students know what is happening in the classroom and when. Classroom schedule posters can be simple or complex, depending on the needs of the students.

Book Recommendation Posters

Encourage students to read books and create posters recommending their favorite books to their classmates, which is a great way to promote reading and get students talking about books they’ve read and enjoyed.

Thankful Poster

At any time during the year (but especially around Thanksgiving), have students make posters about what they are thankful for, always encouraging positive thinking and gratitude.

We make it easy for you to create beautiful, engaging learning materials

If you’re an educator or school staff member with K-12 students, consider investing in a poster printer. Not only will you be able to create dynamic and visually appealing displays for your classroom or hallway, but you can also print out student work for parents and other stakeholders.

At AGC Education, we offer a wide range of affordable poster printers that are perfect for any educational setting. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you improve communication and learning in your school.